2011 年,台灣一口氣確定了16 件死刑案件的定讞。王信福、邱和順就是在那一年夏天,死刑定讞。那是他們的夏日,信福和順的夏日。可惜那一年的夏天並不如其名,不那麼幸福,也沒有和順。
這是兩件充滿錯漏、瑕疵的確定判決。那是壟罩在威權色彩下的司法文化,判決的抄寫了無新意,卻又是恣意無理。民主自由的路上,我們一步步地走,可是12 個春夏秋冬一年一年地過,王信福、邱和順還是逃不出1.36坪的枷鎖,還是等不到公平審判的訴求。
12 年前,王信福、邱和順錯過了一個應當無罪的司法判決、失去了一個應當幸福和順的夏日。《信福和順的夏日》的舉行,盼透過展覽、音樂、議題市集與短講讓更多朋友認識這兩個案件。盼他們能早日重獲自由,幸福和順。
A Midsummer Fair for Wang Xin-fu and Chiou Ho-shun
Author:Li-Han Luo (Outreach Coordinator, Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty)
In 2011, there were 16 cases that resulted in a death sentence in Taiwan. Wang Xin-fu and Chiou Ho-shun were among those whose death sentences were confirmed that summer. Their Chinese names mean Happiness and Peace respectively. But the fate that befell them did not live up to their names.
The sentences meted out to them were full of 1errors and flaws, a product of a justice system shrouded in authoritarianism. The judgments were arbitrary and so full of clichés that they were mostly copied from old judgments. Despite the gradual progress towards democracy and freedom, as the years passed by, neither Wang nor Chiou could escape the confines of a 4.52 square meter cell, nor could they get the fair trial they deserved.
Twelve years ago, they missed out on trials that should have declared them innocent, and they lost a summer that should have been happy and
carefree. “The Summer of Xin-fu and Ho-shun” held in 2023 aimed to raise awareness about their cases through exhibitions, music, and a human rights fair, along with short talks advocating exoneration from wrongful convictions. All the efforts were made to enable them to regain their freedom and find happiness and peace once again.
miscarriage of justice, Chiou Ho-shun Case, Wang Xin-fu Case