自《兒童權利公約》內國法化以來,台灣陸續建立各式兒少參與機制,提供兒少直接參與中央及地方政策決議的機會。過往研究指出,現行機制中成人與兒少間的權力差距,仍使兒少在參與決策時感到重重困境。然而,不同社會階級背景的兒少在這些機制中,是否享有平等的參與機會,卻鮮有研究深入探討。本文以教育部高級中等以下課程審議會為研究案例,透過訪談11 位橫跨兩任期之學生代表,探討課審會學生代表參與課綱制定的現況與過程,深入分析不同社會階級的學生如何解讀自己的處境,並據以研擬倡議策略,以影響會議決策。
Student Advocacy Tactics in National Curriculum Decision-Making: A Case Study of the National K-12 Curriculum Review Committee in Taiwan
Author:Howard Liao (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto Department of Social Justice Education)
This study uses a constructivist grounded theory approach to explore how students advocate for their voices in national curriculum decision-making, focusing on Taiwan’s National K-12 Curriculum Review Committee. Data were collected from 11 current and former student representatives. The findings reveal that students developed `acceptance-seeking strategies’ to assert their voices within a space that prioritized adults´ perspectives. Seeking acceptance and aiming to create change, students were constantly evaluating how their voices would be received by teachers and peers. The study highlights class-based variations in students’ advocacy styles, with middle-class students more willing to challenge authority and assert their perspectives, resulting in stronger and more positive responses from adults. In contrast, working-class students may be marginalized due to their reluctance to assert themselves. The study provides a nuanced understanding of student voice
and underscores the critical role of students in shaping their space, knowledge, and confidence in participating in educational decision-making.
student voice, participation, educational decision-making, adultism, social class