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  • 編者的話 / 林瓊珠(中正大學政治系副教授)
    Editor's preface / Chiung-chu Lin (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chung Cheng University, Chaiyi)
  • 再論中華聯邦:個人權利、各民族的平等與和平共處 / 黃默(東吳大學文理講座教授)
    Revisiting a Federal System for China: Individual Rights, Equality and Peace Among All National Groups / Mab Huang(Liberal Arts Professor, Soochow University Taipei, Taiwan)
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  • 「社會主義法治國家」下的法律威權化:中國的學術與服從 / 王琳蘭(中央研究院法律學研究所博士後研究學者)
    The Shaping of Authoritarian Law under the “Socialist Rule of Law”: Academics and Obedience in the Chinese Party-State / Alexandra Kaiser(Postdoctoral researcher at the Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica)
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  • 大國政治下「東協中心性」的運作:以東協在南海爭端與區域全面經濟夥伴協定(RCEP)談判之角色探討 / 陽宗道(東吳大學政治學系博士生)
    ASEAN Centrality under Great Power Politics: An Examination of ASEAN’s Role in the South China Sea Dispute and RCEP Negotiations / Tsung-tao (Thomas) Yang (Ph.D Candidate, Department of Political Science, Soochow University)
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  • 學生參與的社會階級差異:以教育部課審會學生代表為例 / 廖浩翔(多倫多大學社會正義教育學系碩士)
    Student Advocacy Tactics in National Curriculum Decision-Making: A Case Study of the National K-12 Curriculum Review Committee in Taiwan / Howard Liao (Department of Social Justice Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto)
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人權論壇 Human Rights Forum
  • 大學自治與言論不限的理想與現實 / 劉源俊(東吳大學名譽教授)
    The Ideal and Reality of the Freedom of Speech and University Autonomy / Yuan-tsun Liu (Professor Emeritus of Soochow University)
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  • 教改卅年的總檢討 / 但昭偉(臺北市立大學退休教授)
    A General Review of the 30th Anniversary of Educational Reform / Jau-wei Dan (Retired Professor, University of Taipei)
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  • 從聯合國教科文組織的報告反思臺灣教育 / 李仰桓(國家教育研究院教科書研究中心助理研究員)
    A New Social Contract on Education Report and the Reflection for the Education in Taiwan / Yang-huan Li (Assistant Research Fellow, Center for Textbook Research, National Academy for Educational Research)
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人權現場 Notes from the Field
  • 最遙遠的距離最難到的台灣:我們如何走到六個月簽證里程碑 / 紀慧文(藏僧簽證推動改革聯盟總召集人暨發言人)
    So Close Yet So Far: The Journey of Obtaining a Six-month Visa in Taiwan / Hui-wen Chi(General convener/spokesperson Tibetan monk Visa Promotion Reform Alliance)
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  • 台籍老兵與許昭榮 / 呂宜璟(關懷台籍老兵文化協會執行長、戰爭與和平紀念公園主題館駐館研究員)、蔡宗宏(關懷台籍老兵文化協會執行秘書、戰爭與和平紀念公園主題館駐館研究員)
    Taiwanese Veterans and Hsu, Chao-Jung / Yi-ching Lu (Secretary-General, Taiwanese Veterans Association Researcher, War and Peace Memorial Park and Theme Museum)、 Tsung-hung Tsai(Executive Secretary, Taiwanese Veterans Association Researcher, War and Peace Memorial Park and Theme Museum)
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  • 《金六刀》、紅高棉、澎湖難民營與戰爭難民 / 劉吉雄(紀錄片導演、講美難民檔案協會理事長)
    “Chin Liu Tao,” Khmer Rouge, Penghu Refugee Camps, and War Refugees / Asio Chi-hsiung Liu
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研究手札 Research Notes
書評 Books Review Essays
  • 以救贖為名的政治暴力與記憶政治: 讀《有些人需要殺戮:在我的國家的謀殺回憶錄》 / 賴奕諭(夏威夷大學馬諾阿分校人類學系博士候選人)
    Political Violence and Memory Politics in the Name of Redemption: Reading Some People Need Killing: A Memoir of Murder in My Country / Yi-yu Lai(PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa)
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  • [書評] 人性不再的疆域——評《新疆再教育營:中國的高科技流放地》 / 蔡如雅(桃園市政府教育局股長)
    [Book Review] The Realm of Lost Humanity:Book Review of “In the Camps: China’s High-Tech Penal Colony” / Ju-ya Tsai
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  • [書評] 從粉紅色的移動羅曼史到霧茫茫的異域生養 / 張正(燦爛時光東南亞主題書店負責人)
    [Article Review] Can't Help Falling in Love / Cheng Chang
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  • [影評] 全面監視,哪來反抗?影評──全面監視(Total Trust) / 黃默(東吳大學文理講座教授)
    [Film Review] Total Surveillance without Resistance: A Film Review on Total Trust / Mab Huang(Liberal Arts Professor, Soochow University Taipei, Taiwan)
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  • [影評]監控的鏡頭與反抗的鏡頭:《全面監控》的觀後感 / 李仰桓(國家教育研究院教科書研究中心助理研究員)
    [Film Review] The Lens of Surveillance and the Lens of Resistance: A Review of Total Trust / Yang-huan Li (Assistant Research Fellow, Center for Textbook Research, National Academy for Educational Research)
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Professor Kar-Yen Leong’s Witness on Southeast Asia: Part 2|專訪淡江大學全球政治經濟學系梁家恩副教授|人權群像第三季第三集|黃于哲
Professor Kar-Yen Leong’s Witness on Southeast Asia: Part 1|專訪淡江大學全球政治經濟學系梁家恩副教授|人權群像第三季第二集|黃于哲
Professor Yu-Jie Chen’s Multifaceted Career: Researcher, Teacher, and Activist|Professor Yu-Jie Chen|人權群像第三季第一集|黃于哲
Professor Seymour’s Reminiscence on Taiwan|James Dulles Seymour|人權群像第二季第七集|黃于哲